Chalk Paint Furniture

Sometimes I get the urge to paint furniture instead of working with textiles. Even tough in some cases I’m really against it. If you have a good condition, antique hard wood piece of furniture, please don’t ruin it with chalk paint! This piece however really needed a rescuing. It was scratched and somebody had already attempted to paint parts of it. (Forgot to take a before photo sadly)

I used two different tones of grey chalk paint. The darker tone underneath, and the lighter on top, plus finish with a generous rubbing of wax.

It only lasted 3 days in Shabitat before it got snapped up!

If you have a piece of furniture that you think is in need of a facelift, get in touch!

We also do painting classes.

Customised & Dyed Denim

 Stitched and Repaired.

I had these Levi’s denim jackets kicking about that needed a second life.

I put them in the washing machine with a sachet of brown Dylon. The outcome was a somehow a rusty colour with navy highlights. I like it.

I then patched up all the ripped bit and added some detailing.

A shade of denim not normally found in Levi’s stores.

Screen Printing and Bleach Dyeing

I have always wanted to have a go at screen printing.  Of course it had to be creepy crawlies.

We developed three different images. Stag beetle, rain beetle and a flying ant.

Before printing I sprayed some of the t-shirts with a bleach+water solution for more depth. Here are the results.


Customised Jeans

Repair and Embroidery.

Everyone loves a pair of jeans. Whatever the cut might be is a personal choice, but when I find a pair I love, I wear them until they are shreds. The places that tends to wear out first are usually pockets, crotch, and knees. So instead of getting rid of them why not repair them? Add some contrast fabrics, hand/machine embroidery etc.

Not sure how to do it yourself?  You can post them to us and we will return them to you with some added pizazz.


Subversive Clothing

Just an excuse to use this background really.

Modeled by Miss Gillman

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