Customised Denim Shorts

The classic festi staple is a pair of denim shorts. Actually, not just for festivals, they are a great all rounder for anyone’s wardrobe. To make them that little bit more exiting you can customise them by adding detailing like these. Straight forward to do on the sewing machine or even by hand if you don’t have one. All you need is some small fabric scraps, needle and thread. Stick the kettle on and get involved!

Customised T-shirt Dresses

Did I mention the things you can make from old t-shirts are endless! There are whole books and websites dedicated to the topic.

I wanted to create some dresses that were stylish, comfortable and easy to make.

The “skirt” part I cut from slightly thicker jersey that I had. On some of the t-shirt dresses I  adjusted the sleeve hole a little to make it less gapy  by putting in darts.( I kind of like the slouchy armholes though.) Wear it with a contrasting sports bra. Plus in the summer its nice and airy.


Story Book Collage

I loved the illustrations in this vintage story book. So I wanted to used them for a simple collage. Found some perfect size wooden frames too.

book collage vintage story

Customised & Dyed Denim

 Stitched and Repaired.

I had these Levi’s denim jackets kicking about that needed a second life.

I put them in the washing machine with a sachet of brown Dylon. The outcome was a somehow a rusty colour with navy highlights. I like it.

I then patched up all the ripped bit and added some detailing.

A shade of denim not normally found in Levi’s stores.

Video Casette Recycling

VHS Furniture

Most materials are recyclable, but videos are a hard one to dispose of properly. In theory some of the parts are recyclable but they need to be screwed apart and separated which is very labour intensive for materials with no real value.

Do you still have a lot of VHS cassettes that you don’t know what to do with?

Well here is some inspiration.

You will need;

  • VHS cassettes
  • Small Philips screwdriver
  • Contact Adhestive
  • A flat surface

Figure out what you want to make and how many tapes you will need by experimenting with various shapes.

Unscrew the cassettes and take the tapes wheels out from the inside. This will make them a bit lighter as the more tapes you glue together the heavier they will be.

Screw them back together. (I used only 2-3 screws for this)

Lay your design on a flat surface

Spread a thin layer of contact adhesive on each surface you want to glue to each other. Do this one by one as you don’t want the glue to dry.  Don’t wipe off any excess. Let it dry and peel it off later.

You might need to wait for the table top to dry fully before attaching legs etc. This might take 12 hrs to set properly. Make sure its not sticking to your surface either.

Good luck!

vhs table glue diy

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