Festival Season 2014

Compare to last years nine, we kept the numbers lower this year. Four festivals in four months and the 2014 season is well and truly over for us! With the time now needed to run Shaboutique, we wanted to focus on a few key festivals instead.

Pretty chuffed to be accepted to trade at the big and mighty Glastonbury considering how hard it is to get in. In a typical Glastonbury fashion, we had four seasons in one day, and then a lot of rain. Kept us on our toes all the time dragging the rails in and out. It was a good experience and we know what to bring/focus on for next year.

In July we did Secret Garden Party for the third year running. Oh we love it there! Even more so this year as it was an absolute scorcher! We had everyone in nipple tassels all day long. The secret sunflower field that you had to access through a porta-loo was an all time festival high for me. Genius idea SGP!

This year we also themed up with Crystal Vintage and the amazing Gloria Top-Up Shop to do Shambala Festival. I think we can both decided that it takes the number 1 spot in the festival charts. (Sorry SGP) It has everything you can ask from a festival. Not too big nor too small, groovy bands you have never heard of before, creative workshops, silly antics and pretty much everyone in fancy dress. Friday is cross dressing day aka Fruity Friday. Boys in dresses? Ah yeah!

Another newbie for this year was Festival Number 6. I have been wanting to go since day one as the DJ line-up is always great.  I had never been to Wales either, so it became a lovely little road trip too.  They say it always rain in Wales, well not this time. We had sunshine for the whole weekend. It’s pretty unique as festivals goes as its centered around the little “toy town” village Portmeirion. The view over the estuary and the woodlands with its six unique “pop-up raves” are probably the best bit. A perfect festival to end the season with we say.



2012 Festival Season

Wow what a summer!! Old friends, new friends, dancing, some more dancing, crazy antics, rain, mud, sun and lots of dressing up. What was the highlight you ask? Too many to mention.

I had been wanting to check out Secret Garden Party for a long time as I had heard so many good things about it over the last few years. I had a stall within The Secret Emporium which is an independent designers festival outlet at SGP. The weather however wasn’t on our side. We had constant rain and consequentially mud for pretty much everyday until Sunday. But hey! We had fun anyway. Lots of people still wanted to dress up despite the weather. What a cool festival. Definitely going again next year. Fingers crossed for a dry one.

Wilderness Festival in Cornbury Park- Oxfordshire. What a stunning location. Being able to go swimming in a clean lake at a festival is definitely a winner.

I had never been to the Isle of Wright so that was an adventure in itself even before getting to Bestival. Huge site with hills!  The sun was out all weekend too. Great line -up always helps.

Playgroup Festival got postponed to mid September this year. It’s small festival based in East Sussex beaming with creativity. No need to say a lot of fun was had by all…

I didn’t take a lot of photos (none from Wilderness!) which is a sign I was obviously having too much of a good time. Anyway, here is a few…



Vinyl Fascinators

Ready for the Races.

I love a good fascinator. But I see nothing fun in those beige and boring “mother of the bride” numbers. If I was going to make them they had to be made from found trinkets, lost toys and records of course.

The 7″ vinyl makes a perfect base to embellish. First, I put them in the oven on a low heat so they go a bit soft. This makes them easier to shape.

This batch was made with netting, buttons and feathers and the occasional frog, rat or cat!

Available made to order or sometimes in my Etsy Shop

Upcycled Steamer Earrings

Hot and Steamy!

Brighton and Hove residents can recycle their old metal pots and pans with Magpie Recycling, or drop them off at Shabitat. Sometimes the odd broken vegetable steamer end up there too. If one or two of the “leaves” are missing it can’t be resold so I tried to think of any other ways they could be reused.

Necklace to come!

I do have more of these, so get in touch if you want a pair.

Trinket Upcycling

Button Brooches.

Do you have odd bits of broken jewellery lying in a drawer that you don’t want to get rid of because of sentimental reasons? Earrings, beads, pendants, chains all are usable in this project. I had some, glass charms, buttons, bits of chain, doll shoes and fabric that I used to make these little brooches.

All you have to buy is the brooch pin with holes in them. Then by stitching on or using wire, attach your old bits of jewellery that you want to use. The possibilities are endless!

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